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作者:Harry Robinson
将来作出预测。在这次的周末专栏中,Harry Robinson将向我们讲述他对测未来的预测。
    “预测是件很难的事情,尤其是预测未来” —Yogi Berra
    每年十二月,小报的“未来预测者”们会向大家切揭示即将到来的一年将要发生的事情:“麦丹娜将要乘坐航天飞机”,“美国将迁都 Wichita”,等等。我将加入这个潮流,对软件测试何去何从做一个我自己的预测。并且我希望,我的预测费用能够比我的那些值得尊敬的小报同事更高些。

Forecast for the future test
Author:Harry Robinson
    Abstract: The year will do, psychologists, or some scholars Bo again for a long time or more in 2004 to predict the future. In this column over the weekend, Harry Robinson on how he will be our test predict the future.
    "Prediction is very difficult, in particular, to predict the future"-Yogi Berra
    December each year, the tabloid "The future forecasters" will reveal to you all the coming year will be what is happening: "Damana to ride the space shuttle," "The United States will move the capital Wichita", and so on. I will join the trend of software testing where a forecast of my own. And I hope that I can forecast the cost of those than I deserve respect of the tabloid higher colleagues.
