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PHP代表:超文本顸处理器(PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)。PHP是完全免费的,不用花钱,你可以从PHP官方站点(http://www. php.net)自由下栽。PHP遵守GNU公共许可(GPL),在这一许可下诞生了许多流行的
Website design and implementation based on PHP
PHP is a server-side scripting language easy to learn and use.Minimial programming knowledge you can use PHP to create a truly interactive WEB site.This tutorial does not want to let you fully understand the language,just to make you join developing dynamic web site as soon as poxssible.I assume that you have some HTML(or HTML editor), the basic knowledge and some programming ideas.
PHP is one of the tools can let you gencrate dynamic web pages.PHP web page files are treated as general HTML web page files to deal with and in the editing you can use the conventional method of editing HTML LO write PHP. |