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作者姓名: Bruce Eckel
文章出处:《Thinking In Java,Fourth Edition》
“尽管以 C++为基础,但 Java 是一种更纯粹的面向对象程序设计语言”。
无论 C++还是 Java 都属于杂合语言。但在 Java 中,设计者觉得这种杂合并不象在 C++里那么重要。杂合语言允许采用多种编程风格;之所以说 C++是一种杂合语言,是因为它支持与 C 语言的向后兼容能力。由于 C++是C 的一个超集,所以包含的许多特性都是后者不具备的,这些特性使 C++在某些地方显得过于复杂。

Everything Is an Object
“If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
Although it is based on C++, Java is more of a “pure” object-oriented language.
Both C++ and Java are hybrid languages, but in Java the designers felt that the hybridization was not as important as it was in C++. A hybrid language allows multiple programming styles; the reason C++ is hybrid is to support backward compatibility with the C language. Because C++ is a superset of the C language, it includes many of that language’s undesirable features, which can make some aspects of C++ overly complicated.
