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Object persistence and Java
Get an in-depth look at the issues surrounding object persistence in object-oriented languages
Object durability, or persistence, is the term you often hear used in conjunction with the issue of storing objects in databases. Persistence is expected to operate with transactional integrity, and as such it is subject to strict conditions. (See the Resources section of this article for more information on transaction processing.) In contrast, language services offered through standard language libraries and packages are often free from transactional constraints.
As we'll see in this article, evidence suggests that simple Java persistence will likely stem from the language itself, while sophisticated database functionality will be offered by database vendors.
No object is an island
In the real world, you rarely find an object that lacks relations to other objects. Objects are components of object models. The issue of object durability transcends the issue of object model durability and distribution once we make the observation that objects are interconnected by virtue of their relations to one another. |