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只读存贮器(ROM). ROM是通常的永久性的,非应用程序的易失性存储器。不少微机和单片机用于大批量应用,因此,经济的设备制造要求的程序存储器的内容是在制造期间永久性的刻录在芯片中,这意味着严谨的方法,因为修改ROM代码不能制造之后发展。这一发展过程可能涉及仿真,使用硬件仿真功能以及强大的软件工具使用先进的开发系统。
Fundamentals of Single-chip Microcomputer
The single-chip microcomputer is the culmination of both the development of the digital computer and the integrated circuit arguably the tow most significant inventions of the 20th century [1]
These tow types of architecture are found in single-chip microcomputer. Some employ the split program/data memory of the Harvard architecture, shown in Fig.3-5A-1, others follow the philosophy, widely adapted for general-purpose computers and microprocessors, of making no logical distinction between program and data memory as in the Princeton architecture, shown in Fig.3-5A-2
In general terms a single-chip microcomputer is characterized by the incorporation of all the units of a computer into a single device, as shown in Fig3-5A-3 |