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串行存储器 Serial Memories

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串行存储器 Serial Memories(振文3500字,英文2700字)

Serial Memories
Many of us like to use small, single chip micro controllers. They are relatively cheap, easy to wire up to make run, and over all just mighty convenient to use. One down side to using these single chip controllers is the lack of large amounts of memory. Sure, you can hook up external memory to most of them, but that requires a lot of work, and usually consumes other valuable resources, mainly the I/O pins that make the chip useful.
There is help out there! There are several forms of memory that don't require the standard address bus and data bus wiring. These memories are called serial memories, and they are just the ticket to allow you to store large amounts of information without giving up those precious I/O lines. There are several different styles of serial EEPROM. The focus of this article is going to be SPI based devices. There are also 1, 2, and 3 wire serial EEPROM devices that function in a similar way, but have different interface logic.
This article is going to introduce the basics of serial memories, and present the driver software needed to make it operate.
Missing the Bus
