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Basic Knowledge of Communication
Communication System
A generalized communication system has the following components
(a) In formation Source .This produces a message which may be written or spoken words,or some form of data.
(b) Transmitter .The transmitter converts the message into a signal ,the form of which is sutiable for transmission over the communication channel.
(c) Communication Channel .The communication channel is the medium used transmit the signal, from the transmitter to the receiver. The channel may be a radio link or a direct wire connection.
(d) Receiver . The receiver can be thought of as the inverse of the transmitter .It changes the received signal back into a message and passes the message on to its destination which may be a loudspeaker , teleprinter or computer data bank.
An unfortunate characteristic of all communication channels is that noise is added to the signal. This unwanted noise may cause distortions of sound in a telephone , or errors in a telegraph message or data. |