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Introduction to Modern Control Theory
Several factors provided the stimulus for the development of modern control theory:
a. The necessary of dealing with more realistic models of system.
b. The shift in emphasis towards optimal control and optimal system design.
c. The continuing developments in digital computer technology.
d. The shortcoming of previous approaches.
e. Recognition of the applicability of well-known methods in other fields of knowledge.
The transition from simple approximate models, which are easy to work with, to more realistic models, produces two effects. First, a large number of variables must be included in the models. Second, a more realistic model is more likely to contain nonlinearities and time-varying parameters. Previously ignored aspects of the system, such as interactions with feedback through the environment, are more likely to be included.
With an advancing technological society, there is a trend towards more ambitious goals. This also means dealing with complex system with a large number of interacting components. The need for greater accuracy and efficiency has changer the emphasis on control system performance. The classical specifications in terms of percent overshoot, setting time, bandwidth, etc. have in many cases given way to optimal criteria such as mini mum energy, minimum cost, and minimum time  operation. Optimization of these criteria makes it even more difficult to avoid dealing with unpleasant nonlinearities. Optimal control theory often dictates that nonlinear time-varying control laws are used, even if the basic system is linear and time-invariant.
