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车床和车削 Lathe and Turning

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车床和车削 Lathe and Turning(中文5000字,英文3500字)
车床是一个主要用来生产旋转表面和端面的机床。 基于他们的目的,结构,能同时装夹刀具的数量,自动化的程度,车床, 或更正确的说, 车床类型的机床依下列各项被分类为:
(1) 普通车床
 (2) 刀剖车床
(3) 六角转塔车床
 (4) 立式的车削和镗铣机床
 (5) 自动化车床
 (6) 专用车床

Lathe and Turning
The Lathe and Its Construction
A lathe is a machine tool used primarily for producing surfaces of revolution flat edges. Based on their purpose ,construction , number of tools that can simultaneously be mounted , and degree of automation ,lathes or, more accurately, lathe-type machine tools can be classified as follows:
     (1) Engine lathes
     (2) Toolroom lathes
     (3) Turret lathes
     (4) Vertical turning and boring mills
     (5) Automatic lathes
     (6) Special-purpose lathes
     In spite of that diversity of lathe-type machine tools, they all have all have common features with respect to construction and principle of operation .These features can best be illustrated by considering the commonly used representative type, the engine lathe. Following is a description of each of the main elements of an engine lathe , which is shown in Fig.11.1.
