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Advances in Automobile Engineering: Brake Assisted Differential Locking System
“It takes 8,460 bolts to assemble an automobile, andone nut to scatter it all over the road.”
Some of the biggest advances in the field of automotive technology in the past 10 years have come in the area of safety.Spurred by the improvements in the microprocessor speed,miniaturization, and software development, the automobile continues to evolve.
In this new approach proposed, I am going to have an electronic and a pneumatic circuit to automatically control the traction of the vehicle.
During ordinary conditions, when the vehicle is driven down a straight road, or if the difference between speeds of the two(rear) wheels is below a specified limit, no signal will be generated by the electronic circuit. This helps the vehicle negotiate the turns with better traction control as differential action is unaltered. But if the difference between speeds is beyond a specified limit, the signal will be generated by the electronic circuit which will actuate the pneumatic circuit. This causes gradual braking on the faster wheel until it gains traction.Hence, the wheels will never lose traction.
This system ensures a reduction of more than 50% in the capital investment as compared to the already existing systems can tilt the scales in the favour of the manufacturing company and eventually the cost conscious consumer.

Key words: Differential locking, traction control, Limited slip differential, pneumatic braking.
