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1 国外箱体零件的柔性制造技术
1.1 柔性自动线
Application of flexible manufacturing technology in tractor box parts manufacturing process
Flexible manufacturing technology of 1 foreign box parts
1.1 flexible automatic line
To adapt to the production of many varieties, in the early 80 century, developed a flexible automatic line (FTL) (see Figure 1). This type of automatic line is flow and connected through automation according to a certain direction of the workpiece by multiple CNC automatic processing station. In numerical control machining position of specific processing tasks can choose different types of numerical control processing module and the processing module according to the CNC CNC axes, uniaxial, biaxial and triaxial control; according to the number of spindle, single spindle and multi spindle machining module. Because these modules are CNC, therefore, when the automatic line workpieces by processing of such species conversion is another variety of the workpiece, by changing the NC program to realize the automatic tool change and automatic replacement of multi spindle box and automatically change the stroke process, cycle work, cutting parameters and machining position, in order to adapt to processing of variant species.
