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化学灌溉应用广泛,它通常是不同种类的化学品通过灌溉系统来灌溉不同农作物。旁路流化学喷射器是使用弯管设备的一个简单的方法。液压试验弯管设备采用30毫米内进行直径弯管设备无嵴(旁路设计1),外壁上具有一个5毫米大小的波峰(旁路设计2),外壁上具有一个10毫米大小的波峰(旁路设计3),与两个10毫米大小在内外弯管壁的波峰(旁路设计4号)。对主管道流量(Q),旁路流量(Q),压力无旁路流量差(DH0)和压差旁路流量(DH)的弯管内外之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明,该模参数DH / Q2季度排名不同的流类型:4> 3>2>1号>,他们也是不变的系数。然后,化学肥料可注入一个在弯管装置旁通流量的恒定流量灌溉系统,但化学肥料伴随着原来的混合解决方案时间如水被稀释流入水箱。在一个灌溉系统,旁路流量的目的是使用不同的弯管设备,达到无脊。

The research and realization of the ultra-low and constant speed control technology about the cylinder for the large caliber pipe Bender
The ultra-low and constant speed control is one of the key techniques that the large caliber pipe bender can use to achieve bend automatic process. This technology which could analyze the  working  requirements of the pipe bender's heating, introduces the single-cylinder pulling and bending driving form and uses the hydraulic control technique to realize the stationary and reliability in the cylinder's ultra-low speed motion. Additionally, it will prevent the phenomenon of vibration and arc ridging in the process of thin-wall pipe's bending and assures a high quality of large bend caliber pipes with different bending radiuses and bending angles. At the same time, this technology could also be promoted and applied
in any hydraulic controlled devices which need a stable and low-speeding operation.

 Keywords- large caliber pipe bender; ultra-low and constant speed;
