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制动系统 Brake systems

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制动系统 Brake systems(中文3300字,英文2200字)
众所周知,踩下制动踏板可以使汽车减速至停止。但这是如何产生的呢?汽车是如何将力从你的腿传递到车轮的呢?汽车是如何将力放大到足够大以致可以将像汽车一样大的东西制动的呢?          制动系统组件

Brake systems
We all know that pushing down on the brake pedal slows a car to a stop. But how does this happen? How does your car transmit the force from your leg to its wheels? How does it multiply the force so that it is enough to stop something as big as a car?
When you depress your brake pedal, your car transmits the force from your foot to its brakes through a fluid. Since the actual brakes require a much greater force than you could apply with your leg, your car must also multiply the force of your foot. It does this in two ways:
