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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D15445 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D15445
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Comparing mixing performance of uniaxial and biaxial bin blenders
The dynamics involved in powder  mixing  remains a topic of interest for many researchers; however the theory still remains underdeveloped. Most of the mixers are still designed and scaled up on empirical basis. In many industries, including pharmaceutical, the majority of blending is performed using “tumbling mixers”. Tumbling mixers are hollow containers which are partially loaded with materials and rotated for some number of revolutions. Some common examples include horizontal drum mixers, v- blenders,  double cone  blenders and bin blenders.  In all these mixers while homogenization in the direction of rotation is fast, mediated by a convective  mixing  process,  mixing  in the horizontal (axial) direction, driven by a dispersive process, is often much slower. In this paper, we experimentally investigate a new tumbling mixer that rotates with respect to two axes: a horizontal axis (tumbling motion), and a central symmetry axis (spinning motion). A detailed study is conducted on  mixing performance  of powders and the effect of critical fundamental parameters including  blender  geometry, speed, fill level, presence of baffles, loading pattern, and axis of rotation. In this work Acetaminophen is used as the active pharmaceutical ingredient and the formulation contains commonly used excipients such as Avicel and Lactose. The  mixing  efficiency is characterized by extracting samples after pre-determined number of revolutions, and analyzing them using Near Infrared Spectroscopy to determine compositional distribution. Results show the importance of process variables including the axis of rotation on homogeneity of powder blends.
Graphical abstract
The dynamics involved in powder  mixing  remains a topic of interest for many researchers; however the theory still remains underdeveloped. Most of the mixers are still designed and scaled up on empirical basis. In many industries, including pharmaceutical, the majority of blending is performed using “tumbling mixers”. In all these mixers while homogenization in the direction of rotation is fast, mediated by a convective  mixing  process,  mixing  in the horizontal (axial) direction, driven by a dispersive process, is often much slower. In this paper, we experimentally investigate a new tumbling mixer that rotates with respect to two axes: a horizontal axis (tumbling motion), and a central symmetry axis (spinning motion).

Keywords:Powder  mixing ; Cohesion;  Blender ; Mixer; Relative standard deviation; NIR; Acetaminophen
