驱动桥Drive axle
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驱动桥Drive axle(中文5000字,英文3000字)
Drive axle
Drive axle powertrain at the end of their basic function is to increase the transmission came from the drive shaft or torque, and a reasonable distribution of power to the left and right wheel, in addition to acting on the road and under the frame or body legislation between the vertical, longitudinal and lateral force. General from the main drive axle reducer, differential, gear wheels and drive axle housings and other components.
The design of the Drive axle:
Drive axle should be designed to meet the basic requirements are as follows:
1. Select the main reduction ratio should be able to ensure the car has the best power and fuel economy.
2. Smaller size, to ensure that the necessary ground clearance.
3. Gear and other pieces of the work of a smooth transmission,and small noise.
4. In a variety of speed and load with a high transmission efficiency.
5. In ensuring adequate strength and stiffness conditions, should strive for the quality of small, especially under the mass-spring should be as small as possible in order to improve vehicle ride comfort.
6. And suspension movement-oriented coordination of steering drive axle, but also with the coordination of steering movement.