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    当代数控技术的发展具有下述特点: (毕业设计)

NC systems development trends

From the 1952 first CNC machine in the United States was made more than 40 years has been in the history of computer numerical control (CNC) from the mid-1970s, and now also has been for more than 20 years, CNC technology matures. Especially in recent years micro-computer, power electronics and microelectronics industries to the rapid industrial development, micro-computer and the close integration of CNC technology, making development and production of CNC systems technology has been a growing number of factory automation equipment in hand. Therefore, the scope of today's world, the CNC technology is no longer in a few countries in several CNC system monopolized by the factory. To the late 80s, almost every advanced industrial country has its own CNC equipment manufacturing plant, production of CNC machine tools to meet their respective countries and other machinery and equipment required by the NC system. Even many large-scale production of CNC machine tool plant has its own products and the sale of the CNC system. Therefore, the CNC system manufacturing plant for the fierce competition among, NC technology development has entered a new stage.
     Contemporary NC technology to the development of the following characteristics:

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