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电机起源于早期电学上的一个发现- Arago转动.在1824年, Francois Arago发现悬浮在铜盘上的磁针,在铜盘转动时也跟着转动.第二年,计算机先驱Charles Babbage和天文学家John Herschel向人们展示上述运动可以相逆的:转动一块位于铜盘上方较强的磁铁时,铜盘也转动.在1831年, Michael Faraday通过试验来解释这一现象发生的原因.在电机实际运用前,半个多世纪来做这些电机些基础研究

题名Servomotor’s Elements and Applications
来源 :佳工机电网
How Does a Motor Work?
An electric motor converts electricity into mechanical motion. Electric motors are used in household appliances, electric fans, remote-controlled toys, and in thousands of other applications.
The electric motor grew out of one of the earliest discoveries in electric science—Arago’s rotations. In 1824, Francois Arago discovered that a magnetic needle suspended over a copper disk would rotate when the disc was spun. The next year, computer pioneer Charles Babbage and astronomer John Herschel showed that the action could be reversed: spinning a more powerful magnet above the copper disk would spin the copper disc. Then, in 1831, Michael Faraday conducted experiments that helped explain why this took place. While this laid the groundwork for the electric motor, it was another half century before electric motors were doing useful work.
Over the next few decades many inventors made improved devices for turning electricity into motion. One of these was Hippolyte Pixii’s 1832 improvement called the commutator, which switched the flow of current between two or more sets of stationary electromagnets to keep a motor continuously rotating. Thomas Davenport was the first to build an electric motor large enough to be used in industry, and he was also the first to seek a patent on a motor. Soon electric motors were being used for such things as transportation. Moritz-Hermann De Jacobi used an electric motor on a boat on the Neva River, and Charles G. Page used one to build a small locomotive. After the appearance of commercial electric power systems in the 1880s, larger electric motors were possible. Edison encouraged the use of electric motors in industrial applications and designed several new electric motors for that purpose.
