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Rotary Ultrasonic Motors Actuated By Traveling Flexural Waves
Shyh-Shiuh Lih, Yoseph Bar-Cohen,Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109yosi@jpl.nasa.gov and Willem Grandia, Quality Material Inspection (QMI), Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Ultrasonic rotary motors are being developed as actuators for miniature spacecraft instruments and subsystems. The technology that has emerged in commercial products requires rigorous analytical tools for effective design of such motors. An analytical model was developed to examine the excitation of flexural plate wave traveling in a rotary piezoelectrically actuated motor. The model uses annular finite elements that are applied to predict the excitation frequency and modal response of the annular stator. This model allows to design efficient ultrasonic motors (USMs) and it incorporates the details of the stator which include the teeth, piezoelectric crystals, stator geometry, etc. The theoretical predictions and the experimental corroboration showed a remarkable agreement. Parallel to this effort, USMs are made and incorporated into a robotic arm and their capability to operate at the environment of Mars is being studied.