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摘要:在蒸汽驱过程中,一些地区例如克恩河流域,其稠油油藏几乎没有被外来介质浸入,可以利用一种蒸汽/非压缩气体泡沫方法来降低蒸汽的流动性。这种方法主要目的是降低或尽量减少稠油油藏在流动过程中的中途滞留问题。在没有多孔渗水介质和不知道原油伴生气温度的条件下,实验室根据现有实际使用领域,采用一种循序渐进的方式,开始进行对蒸汽泡沫的研究,即包含多孔渗水介质中及原油的饱和度,来增补蒸汽泡沫成分并注入蒸汽。增加盐度是减少蒸汽流动性的必要措施。这种非压缩气体泡沫方法注蒸汽的模式(恒定质量和恒定体积)并不重要,表面活性剂在蒸汽温度较低时其吸附能力表现出相当低,蒸汽泡沫浓度由Siponate DS-10(一种化学剂)、盐分和推荐的氮气含量来决定,这就为克恩河油藏试验蒸汽流动提供了有效的方法。

Surfactant-Enhanced Steam Drives for Heavy Oil Recovery
R.E. DILGREN and K.B. OWENS, Shell Development Co., PO Box 481, Houston, TX77001
A steam/noncondensible gas foam formulation was developed to reduce steam mobility in the steam drive process as applied to heavy oil reservoirs with little or no dip such as the Kern River field. The steam/noncondensible gas foam process is intended to reduce or minimize the gravity layover problem in such reservoirs. Laboratory experimentation started with foam studies in the absence of both porous media and crude oil at a substeam temperature. Conditions existing in the application under actual field use were then added in a step-by-step manner, i.e., inclusion of porous media, existence of oil saturation, and the addition of steam foam components to injected steam. Added salt was necessary for mobility reduction. Mode of noncondensible gas injection (constant mass vs. constant volume) was not important. Adsorption of surfactant was shown to be quite low at steam temperature. The concentrations of steam foam components Siponate DS-10, salt and nitrogen - recommended for the Kern River pilot resulted in a steam mobility 0.18 of that obtained with steam alone.
