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摘 要:建筑工程项目招标与投标实际上就是一种选择行为,是有目的的择优﹑劣汰的活动,也可以说是一种竞争的规范。随着市场经济的深入发展,对建筑企业来说,竞标已成为获得项目和求生存谋发展的主要手段和方式。随着市场经济的深入发展,对建筑企业来说,投标已成为获得项目和求生存谋发展的主要手段和方式。竞标竞争的胜负不仅取决于各竞标人的实力,也取决于竞标人所应用的竞标策略。文章从竞标单位自身、竞标竞争对手两个方面,针对建筑企业的竞标策略进行了分析.
Enhancing the Competitiveness of Building Construction Enterprises Research of countermeasures
Abstract:Project itomes’s inritation and bid is one of behavior choices, activities of choosing the excellant and norm of competition.With the market’s economy developing thoroughly, as to Construction Enterprises, biding has belome ways of acquiring items and begging existance to survive and develop.The victory of bid is decided by enterprise’s enterprises strateyies and Strength.The artide analysises the bid strategies for building enterprises.
Keyword: Construct a business enterprise;Bid ability;Bidding Strategy;Market economy develops