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摘 要:不可否认,房地产经历暴利时代的疯狂之后,终于回复到一种理性的审视状态。个人英雄时代、投机时代、炒楼时代等都一去不复返,简单的投机操作方式已不可能立足市场。面对手中的土地,每位发展商都意识到,我们已走到房地产业发展的交叉路口,经验已经无法应付这个正在走向裂变的市场。所以在支撑房地产行业发展的资金、土地和营销策划中,营销策划成为发展商的重要舞台、获得更多利润的关键,日益凸显其重要作用和地位,将成为房地产开发经营成败的关键。
关键词: 理性;开发经营;营销策划
Marketing Plan of ChangSha Dream Valley 5
Abstract: Admittedly, real estate experience, after the crazy windfall profits era finally back to a rational examination. Personal hero, speculative era, fry building age are gone, simple operation mode has already could not speculate on the market. In the face of the land in hands, each development should realized that we have walked to the intersection of the development of real estate industry experience, haven't to cope with the marketiwhich is to split .So the development of real estate industry in support of capital,and marketing planning ,marketing planning becomes an important stage of development,and the
key to obtain more profits,has an important role and status,and will become the key to of success or failure of the development and operation.
Key words: rationality; development and operation; Marketing Planning