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The study on the construction risk of the subway tunnel shield -based on the X tunnel project
摘  要

In recent years, with the rapid development of city modernization and the continuous progress of the national economy, city traffic demand is increasing, the traffic infrastructure of the city has been unable to meet people's travel requirements. In order to further reduce people's travel time, improve the efficiency of people's lives, each big city of our country began vigorously to build subway wave. However, due to the current domestic risk management awareness is very weak, the risk management attention degree is low, therefore, all kinds of engineering accidents since the subway project construction, which caused great economic losses and irreparable casualties.
A construction method of the city subway construction is the most widely used shield construction, with high security, low cost characteristics, but also has little effect on the surrounding environment. However, the subway shield construction has not formed the perfect risk management system, the actual construction process, people adopt more after control, until the situation occurred after the reaction to come over, to take measures when it was too late.
The theory of risk management of metro shield, the specific methods of risk identification were studied in Wuhan Metro Line 4 of the second phase of the project as the background, based on detailed investigation and Analysis on the site of the project, from the project scope, characteristics and key design, hydrological and geological conditions and construction scheme of Sthe analysis is very comprehensive, as the 4 line of shield tunnel construction is very complex, therefore, which involves a lot of factors of risk assessment index.
Methods the paper combines the qualitative and quantitative risk assessment, the main research contents include the following: first, the introduction of. To clarify the background and significance of this study, this research has proved that the double value of theory and practice; second, the research status analysis. Domestic and abroad, on the current status of geological tunnel shield structure risk management are summarized, and analysis and evaluation; third, the concept and theoretical research. The related concepts, geological tunnel shield structure and the theory of risk management are summarized, which lays the theoretical foundation for the follow-up research; fourth, study on the problems and countermeasures. An actual tunnel project as an example, analyzes its existence in the subway shield construction risk management problem in the work, and according to an actual tunnel engineering of their projects, put forward the construction risk improvement and optimization measures, and establish a security mechanism; fifth, implementation effect. The implementation of risk management measures to optimize the effect observation of subway tunnel shield structure, the research results have proved scientific, rationality and operability, feasibility and practical value of popularization and application; sixth, conclusion and prospect. The dissertation finally summarizes the research and development direction and future.

KEYWORDS:Construction of metro tunnel; Shield construction; Risk management; Construction risk

摘  要    I
1引言    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.1.1  选题背景理论背景    1
1.1.2  选题的目的和意义    2
1.2  研究内容    3
1.3  拟解决的问题    3
1.4  创新之点    3
2 地铁隧道盾构施工风险管理内容概述    4
2.1  风险概念    4
2.2  风险的三要素    5
2.3  风险构成要素之间的关系    5
2.4在地铁盾构施工中风险的类别和特征    6
2.4.1  风险分类    6
2.4.2  地铁盾构施工特点    7
2.5  地铁盾构施工风险管理过程    8
2.5.1  管理目标    8
2.5.2  管理范围    9
2.5.3  风险识别    9
2.5.4  风险估计    10
2.5.5  风险评价    11
2.5.6  风险对策    11
2.5.7  风险监控    13
3 地铁隧道盾构施工风险管理    14
3.1 盾构隧道施工特征论述    14
3.1.1盾构法概念    14
3.1.2盾构法的施工注意事项    15
3.1.3施工优势    16
3.1.4施工隐患    16
3.2 盾构隧道施工存在的风险    16
3.2.1地质条件风险    16
3.2.2城市已建市政工程带来的风险    17
3.2.3人为风险    17
3.3 盾构隧道施工风险规避策略解析    17
3.3.1地质情况预测精准性风险    17
3.3.2盾构机械可靠性风险    17
3.3.3开挖面稳定性能不足风险问题    18
3.4  某地铁隧道盾构法施工风险问题概述    19
4 解析地铁盾构法施工管理风险评价    21
4.1  地铁盾构法的施工风险评价    21
4.1.1  施工风险概念    21
4.1.2  风险工程等级    21
4.1.3  风险预警分类    22
4.1.4地铁项目风险评价     22
4.2  模糊综合评价法在施工风险评估中的应用    23
4.2.1  模糊物元的的概念     23
5 某地铁隧道盾构施工风险管理的应用案例    26
5.1  工程案例分析    26
5.1.1  工程案例介绍    26
5.1.2  工程现场监测的结果与分析    26
5.1.3   工程水文地质概况    27
5.1.4 工程案例中地下水的问题及应对措施    28
5.2  风险评估    29
5.2.1  建立风险评价指标体系    29
5.2.2  建立风险指标因素集    30
5.2.3  建立风险事件评语集    30
5.2.4  基于欧式贴近度的模糊物元评价    30
5.3.5  加强监测数据的预警管理    39
5.3.6  盾构掘进的风险浅析    40
6 研究结论和展望    43
参考文献    44
