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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D11854 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D11854
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摘  要
本文从课题背景、计算器的概况、计算器的相关技术、项目内容和要求、概要设计、设计流程、系统实现、系统调试等方面详细说明了小型科学计算器的开发设计过程。软件采用Qt Creator设计界面结合C++面向对象编程语言来开发。科学计算器包含简单的四则运算、复杂的数学表达式运算、与或运算、进制之间的相互转换、简易画图板等功能。
关键词:科学计算器;进制转换; Qt Creator;C++;运算

Design and implementation of scientific calculator based on QT
     With the rapid development of science and technology, mankind has entered the information era. The development of information technology is change rapidly, the computers have entered and integrated into various fields among people's lives, even are ubiquitous in modern life .The human’s brain and hand have already could not completed the calculation of large scale complex, but also prone to error and accuracy is not high. Scientific calculator as a kind of quick and convenient calculation tool is convenient for human’s using. Scientific calculator contains between four simple add, subtract, multiply and divide operations, a complex mathematical operation, two、eight、ten and sixteen’s hexadecimal conversion functions, with a beautiful interface, simple and convenient operation, and can be accepted by users. Scientific calculator is quite widely in our daily life, study, work, and variety of classifications, so the program’s design about scientific calculator is produced.
From this background, calculator, calculator of related technology, project content and requirements, the outline design, process design, system implementation, system debugging are described in detail the development and design process of the small.scientific calculator. The program use Qt Creator tool to design the interface with the C++ object oriented programming language. Scientific calculator contains four simple operation, complex mathematical expression operation, and operation, or between hexadecimal conversion, a simple drawing board and other functions.
The scientific calculator has the advantages of visual interface, user operation is simple and practical and convenient, and ensures the efficient calculation for the user to calculate the complicated science.
Keyword: Scientific calculator; hexadecimal; Qt Creator; C++; convenient




目  录
摘  要    i
Abstract    ii
1  绪论    1
1.1  课题背景    1
1.2  综述科学计算器的概况    1
1.2.1  科学计算器在生活中的应用    1
1.2.2  科学计算器的发展前景    3
1.3  综述科学计算器的相关技术    3
2  系统开发技术和工具    5
2.1  系统介绍    5
2.2  系统开发语言介绍    5
2.3  系统开发工具介绍    6
2.4  能力要求    8
2.5  项目特点及意义    8
3  需求分析    9
3.1  功能需求与分析    9
3.2  安全性分析    9
3.3  可行性分析    9
3.4  技术经济分析    10
3.5  用例图    10
3.5.1  UML介绍    10
3.5.2  科学计算器用例图    11
3.5.3  画图板用例图    12
4  总体设计    14
4.1  总体设计目标    14
4.2  功能模块设计    14
4.2.1  科学计算功能模块    14
4.2.2  画图板功能模块    17
5  详细设计    18
5.1  设计目的    18
5.2  设计说明    18
5.2.1  UI界面风格    18
5.2.2  科学计算器模块    19
5.2.3  画图板模块    20
6  系统实现    21
6.1  系统功能介绍    21
6.2  科学计算器    21
6.2.1  科学计算器进制选择功能    22
6.2.2  科学计算器进制转换功能    24
6.2.3  科学计算器清空回退功能    27
6.2.4  科学计算器计算功能    27
6.2.5  科学计算器其它功能    35
6.3  画图板    36
6.3.1  画图板界面设计    36
6.3.2  画图板功能实现    37
7  系统测试    39
7.1  软件测试概述    39
7.1.1  测试目标    39
7.1.2  测试方法    39
7.2  对本系统的测试    40
7.2.1  配置问题    40
7.2.2  信号和槽的问题    41
结束语    42
致  谢    43
参考文献    44
英语原文    45
中文翻译    49
