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Workshop Collection and Management System Based on Mini Program
Abstract:Nowadays, most international conference organizations are developing in a distributed way. But it’s difficult for the traditional conference management system, which makes the tracking and statistics of conference papers very difficult and cumbersome to manage the distributed branches. This system is a workshop collection and management system based on Mini Program of Wechat. It can manage and interact according to the whole life cycle of the conference. Organizers can issue solicitation workshops while potential users can submit declarations. Then the sponsor can carry out the whole process management business through this system, such as examination and approval, paper collection, statistical draft information, review progress, recruitment and promotion statistics, paper publication tracking, etc. At the same time, the system supports the establishment and management functions of different seminar branches, which is more in line with the development trend of contemporary conferences.This system is based on the development and use of Mini Program of Wechat. It does not need to be downloaded separately, and as long as a smart phone with Wechat is installed, it can be used at any time, convenient and fast. This system uses Tencent Cloud Base technology, which weakens the concept of back-end and operation and maintenance. It does not need to build services, and can quickly realize online and iteration, which is suitable for the actual needs of the system.
Key words: Mini Program; Workshop; Thesis management;Tencent Cloud Base



摘要    1
Abstract    2
1 绪论    3
1.1 研究背景及意义    3
1.2 国内外研究现状    3
1.3 主要工作    4
2 相关技术介绍    4
2.1 微信小程序前端框架    4
2.2微信小程序后端框架    5
2.2.1 微信提供的云开发简介    5
2.2.2云函数简介    5
2.2.3文档型JSON数据库简介    5
2.3本章小结    5
3 系统分析    5
3.1 功能需求分析    6
3.1.1 系统需求陈述    6
3.1.2系统需求用例分析    6
3.2可行性分析    9
3.3本章小结    9
4 系统设计    9
4.1 系统功能整体设计    9
4.2 专题研讨会征集与管理系统主要模块设计    10
4.2.1登录与注册模块    10
4.2.2单位模块    10
4.2.3专题研讨会管理模块    11
4.2.4论文管理模块    11
4.2.5平台管理员模块    13
4.3 专题研讨会征集与管理系统数据库设计    13
4.4 本章小结    15
5 系统实现    15
5.1 开发环境简介    15
5.2主要模块实现    16
5.2.1 登陆与注册模块    16
5.2.2主页模块    18
5.2.3单位模块    23
5.2.4专题研讨会模块    27
5.2.5专题研讨会论文管理模块    30
5.2.6平台管理员模块    32
5.3本章小结    35
6 总结    35
参考文献    36
致谢    37
