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In the teaching of lower grades, literacy can be described as the most important tutorial, but now from the teacher to the student's multi-angle, are still not aware of the true meaning of literacy teaching. Under the neglect of such importance, literacy teaching in primary school language will inevitably produce some problems. In order to solve these problems, we need to follow the objective laws of literacy teaching, to take feasible measures. Language is the basis of all other subjects. The core of this thesis is to improve the overall level of literacy of our pupils so that students can achieve sustainable growth and development in literacy teaching.
Key words: primary school; lower grade; literacy teaching; meaning; problem; law; solution
摘要 1
Abstract 2
一、引言 3
二、小学低年级进行识字教学的意义 4
(一)阅读与写作的前提 4
(二)学生的智力开发 4
(三)学生审美能力的培养 4
三、小学低年级语文识字教学现状中存在的问题 5
(一)忽视学生的主观能动性 5
(二)识字教学过程过于机械化 5
(三)识字教学方式单一且陈旧 5
(四)识字教学内容过于枯燥无聊 6
四、对于小学低年级识字教学的一些建议 6
(一)要求以学生为中心,突出其主体地位 6
(二)基于传统教学方式,开拓创新 7
(三)采用多样化的教学方式 7
五、识字教学“三步走”程序 8
(一)以汉字的音形义为根本 8
(二)以学生的“识”为核心 8
(三)以老师的教学为辅 8
六、结论 8
参考文献: 9 |