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Preschool teachers should cultivate children's aesthetic ability, attach importance to children's aesthetic personality and psychological characteristics, develop children's special emotional cognitive ability, develop aesthetic ability, appreciation ability, creativity and so on. Preschool teachers should attach importance to the objective psychological phenomenon of children's aesthetic development, so that children can produce aesthetic potential and the needs of the mind. Preschool teachers to develop the students' aesthetic ability and creativity of the fusion in the United States in the process of education, so that children get physical and mental pleasure, cultivate children's aesthetic ability and creativity, improve their aesthetic enjoyment, and shaping the perfect personality development of children, help children acquire aesthetic perception of full three-dimensional, positive let children in games and activities, in the classroom on the beauty, beauty, beauty deduction, development of physical and mental harmony.

Key words: Children, aesthetic ability, creative ability, development, practice

目    录
中文摘要    I
Abstract    2
一.研究的目的    3
二.营造艺术环境,培养审美情趣,发展幼儿审美能力与创造能力    3
1地方文化的熏染    3
2 中国民间民族艺术的陶冶    4
3 国外价值的影响    4
的能力    5
四.开发艺术资源,引导幼儿体验,提高审美能力和创造能力    6
  1将艺术活动运用到常规活动中    7
  2让幼儿自主选择艺术活动    7
  3运用多元化的教学形式    8
五.搭建艺术平台,提高幼儿审美能力,激发审美力和创造力    9
六.结论    10
参考文献    11
