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关键词:网络环境; 学习动力; 激发; 维持

Comrade Deng Xiaoping's leadership since the reform and opening up, China's economic development has made great achievements. The economy has been developed, then all aspects of the construction will have a solid foundation, so the corresponding education is also a considerable development, from the previous elite education to the current mass education, the popularity of compulsory education and higher education Enrollment is the best proof, education for a steady stream of country to provide a powerful driving force. China's Internet development, but decades, but the achievements are not to be underestimated. The rapid development of the network also provides a new perspective for the education channel, so the network has become a carrier of education, and this carrier has occupied a very important position. Traditional education will be limited by time and place, but education in the network environment will be able to overcome these difficulties very well, so that the world's educational resources to the greatest degree of interactive sharing. When the education based on the carrier of this carrier to share doubts, in fact, students' thinking habits, learning characteristics have undergone subtle changes. Learning autonomy is an important feature of the network environment education, which means that students can combine their own practical learning knowledge, so that learning efficiency has been a guarantee. But everything is two-sided, we should learn to dialectical view of the problem. When education relies on the dissemination of the network environment, in fact, teachers and students seem to have only one screen distance, but in fact between teachers and students is already out of a separate state. Because the students to learn is by virtue of their will, and the intention is in charge of uncertainty, if the lack of learning motivation, then the quality of learning will not be guaranteed. Learning motivation in this environment is the driving force behind the learning activities, especially for learning activities in the network environment. Students in the network environment to their own learning motivation to a concern, so as to be able to maintain the motivation of learning sufficient. Therefore, it is of practical significance to master the basic method of stimulating the motivation of students in the network environment.

Keywords: network environment; learning motivation; excitation; maintenance


网络环境下学生学习动力激发与维持策略研究    1
摘要    1
Abstract    2
一、 绪论    3
二、 相关概念综述    4
(一) 网络环境下的学习    4
(二) 学生学习的动力    5
三、 影响网络环境下学生学习动力的因素    6
(一) 外界因素    7
(二) 自身因素    9
四、 网络环境下学生学习动力激发与维持策略    12
(一) 网络环境下学生学习动力激发    12
(二) 网络环境下学生学习动力维持    13
五、 结语    14
参考文献    14
