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关键词:幼儿园    双语教学    幼儿   能力

Analysis On the Bilingual Teaching in Kindergarten
Abstract: Early childhood period was sensitive to children’s speech development , during this period children can accurately distinguish voice , and they have strong voice imitation and reproduction ability , so children have the advantage of learning English in this period .Therefore , the implementation of bilingual teaching can inspire children’s English pronunciation and interest in English activities , it can also stimulate children to participate in the kindergarten English teacher’s activities. Thereby, it can cultivate infant’s English self-study ability, and the confidence and pride of learning English. This article is from the concept of bilingual teaching in kindergarten and current situation, further discuss the significance of bilingual teaching in kindergarten, against the current situation of bilingual teaching in kindergarten, compare the current situation of bilingual teaching in kindergarten for each place .Consequently, this article find the problems of bilingual teaching in kindergartens in China,according to these problems
targeted come up with teaching measures of bilingual teaching in kindergartens .
Key words:kindergarten , bilingual teaching ,children , abilities

摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
引言    2
一、幼儿园双语教学的概念与现状     2
(一)概念    2
(二)现状    2
二、幼儿园双语教学的意义    2
(一)利于激发幼儿英语学习的兴趣    2
(二)利于幼儿学习英美文化知识    3
(三)利于初步培养幼儿的口语交际能力    3
三、幼儿园双语教学存在的问题       3
(一)教师教学能力不足    3
(二)缺乏专业教材    4
(三)幼儿园缺乏社会责任感    4
四、幼儿园双语教学的教学策略    4
(一)引进优秀双语教师    4
(二)编写专业教材    4
(三)提升幼儿园社会责任感    5
结束语    5
致谢    5
参考文献:    6
