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On the Features and Translation of English Sports News Headlines(7300字)
Abstract: As an important part in news, sports news headline has its distinctive characteristics besides the general characteristics that all types of news headlines have, such as using simple sentences, omissions and rich rhetoric devices, etc. At the same time, it has its own stylistic feature, demonstrated in vocabulary, syntax, grammar, etc. So it requires certain culture background as well as sports knowledge.
This paper consists of four major parts. First of all, it is the introduction and a review of the relevant literature on news headlines where sports news headlines are most focused on. In the second part, it tells about the main functions and features of English sports news headlines with the first-hand examples from the mainstream British and American newspapers. Thirdly, it states three forms of English sports news headlines. Those are newspaper, television and internet. At last, the author also gives out some translation examples in order to prove his points, which is based on Nida’s functional equivalence as the core.

Key words: Sports news; Headlines; Features; Translation    

摘  要:新闻标题是新闻的重要组成部分,被称作 “新闻报道的眼睛”。体育新闻标题除具有一般新闻标题的特点之外,有着许多显著的特色,如高度概括、结构简洁、生动醒目,而且还需要相当的文化背景知识。用以帮助读者更好的进行取舍并尽可能的吸引读者的注意力。本文首先重点介绍了英语体育新闻标题的词汇、语法、修辞和句式结构的独特运用方式。并左以英美主流报刊杂志上的例证,具有时鲜性和权威性。接着深入探讨了英语新闻标题的翻译策略,结合奈达的功能对等翻译理论就英语体育新闻标题的翻译方法进行研究。希望以此对所有爱好阅读和翻译英语体育新闻的认识起到抛砖引玉作用。
关键词:体育新闻; 标题; 特点; 翻译

Key words………..………………………………………………………………1
1 Features of English sports news headlines.............................…………………………3
1.1 Lexical features......................………………………………………………………3
1.1.1 Using nouns and midget words..................................………………………3
1.1.2 Using fashion words….…………..……………………………………………5
1.1.3 Abbreviations and numbers in headlines.…………………………………5
1.2 Grammatical Features……………………………………………………………..…...6
1.2.1 Preferring present tense than past tense…………….....………..…………………...6
1.2.2 Using short active verbs..……………....……………………...…………………… 7
1.2.3 Omissions in headlines….…………..……………………………………………….8
1.3 Rhetoric features …………………………………...………………………..………..8
1.3.1 Simile ………….………………………...……….………………….……..……….8
1.3.2 Pun...........…..…….……………………...……….………………….……..……….9
1.3.3 Alliteration and rhyme.………..………………….………………….……..……….9
2 Various forms of English sports news headlines……………….………………………10
2.1 The eldest medium of sports news headlines: newspaper….……….…….…….……10
2.2 The most attractive medium of sports news  headlines: Television…………...……10
2.3    The most developing medium of sports news  headlines: Internet ……..……...….10
3 Detailed analysis of translation of English sports news headlines…...….....………….11
3.1 Related translation theory……………………….…..…..…………….............……..11
3.2 Translation tactics of English sports news headlines…….…..…..………........……..12
3.2.1 Literal translation……………………………….…………..………………….…..12
3.2.2 Free translation……………………………….…………..….……………….…….13
3.2.3 Amplification……………………………….…………..………………..….……..14
3.2.4 Flexible translation……………………………….…………..………..… ………..15
3.2.5 Creative translation……………………………….…………..………..… ……….16
