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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D14808 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D14808
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摘  要



    With the further popularization and application of Internet in China, online shopping has become one of people's online behavior, according to CNNIC fourteenth Internet Statistics report released data, China now has 7.3% Internet users online shopping habits, China 7.3% Internet users with online shopping habits, that is to say, there are about six million Chinese Internet users to buy their own love from the web site of the goods, in this case, all types of shopping website after experienced since 2000 the bubble, achieved rapid development. The set up shop on the net while the investment is not high, the project is not too complicated, but want to shop online or in need of all aspects of the set up shop on the net have an understanding.
For those who already have the entity shop, add a shop to expand sales channels is the natural extension and not need to consider this problem. In this paper, combined with the examples of its own characteristics and the students around, to the questionnaire in the form of expansion, the aim is to understand the current status of college students online shop, analysis of the current social environment, economic environment brings to college students, to explore the "college students online shop" is to provide effective ways for college students entrepreneurship.

Keywords: college students; shop; advantages and disadvantages

目  录
