主页 > 管理学 > 市场营销 >


来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D18865 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D18865
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摘  要


The market segmentation theory brings new opportunities for enterprises to further discover market opportunities, and also helps enterprises to grasp the different characteristics of different target markets, thus bringing pragmatic preconditions for enterprises to formulate marketing strategies.
Based on the theory of market demand, this paper analyzes the problems of A company's products, internal and external situations, and market segmentation in detail, and proposes a detailed and practical market for customers of different types of products and different needs. Segmentation strategy to accurately target the target market, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of A company and the market share of its products. The specific measures proposed in this paper include formulating segmentation strategies based on customer types, developing segmentation strategies based on product characteristics, and developing segmentation strategies based on end product usage.

Key Words:Market segmentation; artificial leather; customer type; product characteristics; product use
目  录    I
摘  要    II
Abstract    III
第1章 市场细分理论概述    1
1.1    市场细分的概念    1
1.2    市场细分的作用    1
1.3    市场细分的标准    2
第2章     A企业及其发展环境分析    3
2.1 企业简介    3
2.2 外部环境    3
2.3  内部环境    4
2.4  A公司市场细分需求    4
第3章 A企业市场细分策略存在的问题分析    6
3.1    客户关系管理粗放    6
3.2    产品线覆盖不全面    6
3.3    产品推广无差异    7
第4章 A企业市场细分策略的完善    8
4.1    根据客户类型制定的细分策略    8
4.2    根据产品特性制定的细分策略    8
4.3    根据最终产品用途制定的细分策略    9
结  论    10
参 考 文 献    11
致  谢    12
