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摘  要:驾驭市场是任何营销活动的最高目标,其基础在于认识市场、把握市场脉搏和制定推行与之相适应的正确的营销营销策划。当前,保险市场已逐步走向规范和成熟,而保险产品作为一种十分特殊的商品,它实际是实现投资和保障的有机完美结合。怎样在新形势下做好保险市场营销已经直接关系到保险业在市场经济体制下的兴衰存亡和发展大计。本文结合市场营销专业知识,明确中国平安所处的位置,根据以往业绩的对比,了解该公司的营运能力,改进不足,通过分析企业策略,从而制定良好的营销策划方案,使该企业获得更大的收益、取得更好的进步,加快发展公司的脚步,完成企业的更高使命。

Analyses of China Ping An Life Insurance Company Marketing Strategy
Abstract:   To control the market is any marketing activities, its foundation; the highest goal is to understand markets, and to grasp the market pulse and formulate pushing correct marketing planning. At present, the insurance market has gradually become mature, and insurance products as a very special commodity, it is actually through investment and security, realize the organic combination of the investment and security of organic perfect union. In the new situation, how do insurance marketing directly related to the insurance industry in the market economic system and thriving development plan. Based on marketing professional knowledge, clear China Ping An's position according to past performance contrast, understand the company's operation ability, improve shortage, by formulating good marketing plans, make this enterprise gain greater benefits, achieve better progress, to speed up the development of the company's footsteps, complete enterprise higher mission.

Key words: Environmental analysis; Market positioning; SWTO; Market strategy
