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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D26187 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26187
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摘  要
    关键词:健身社交化  全面智能化  行业整合
 The research on fitness industry marketing under the internet background                                                              
    The purpose of this paper is to study the status and countermeasures of the Internet sports and fitness service, aiming to clarify the development of the Internet for a variety of services which provided by sports and fitness,and to understand the causes of the deep development of Internet sports and fitness services.The countermeasures and suggestions for the future. In this paper,the literature review,questionnaire survey and other research methods,through the regular exercise fitness participants and the Internet users as a research object, the application,the network from the media and intelligent gym three types Research on Actual Situation and Countermeasure,then we can gain conclusions: 1,the Internet sports fitness site quality is generally low.The content of this website is mainly based on sports fitness instruction and information service,and other types of services are less,especially the sports fitness monitoring and management services at least. User habits are not developed,the use of low viscosity.  2,Intelligent gym equipment can be used to greatly reduce the cost of private education and management,the overall increase in the use of part of the area of gym equipment efficiency. In the future,we need to improve the utilization rate of fitness industry resources,strengthen the construction of management and strengthen the Internet thinking, to seize more opportunities.
Key Words: Fitness socialization; Comprehensive intelligentize; Industry consolidation


目  录
摘   要    I
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………………II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 选题背景和依据    1
1.2 研究内容与方法    3
1.2.1 研究内容    3
1.2.2 研究方法    3
第二章 文献综述    4
2.1国内研究现状    4
2.2国外研究现状    5
第三章 互联网背景下健身调查分析    7
3.1 问卷设计    7
3.2 问卷发放    7
3.3 问卷分析    8
3.3.1 渠道选择    8
3.3.2 用户主要需求    9
第四章 互联网背景下的健身产品的营销模式    10
4.1 健身类APP营销模式    11
4.1.1 视频课程营销模式    11
4.2.2 社区营销模式    12
4.2.3 健身卡销售模式    13
4.2.4 Uber教练模式    14
4.2 健身类自媒体营销    14
4.2.1 自媒体发展现状    15
4.2.2 健身类自媒体营销    15
  4.3 智能健身房营销    16
第五章 光猪圈智能健身房案例分析    17
5.1、“健身舱”模式    17
5.2、“加盟费”导向    19
5.3、资本供养的“共享经济”打法    20
5.4 存在的问题与分析    21
第六章 结语    23
致谢    25
参考文献    26
