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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27553 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27553
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本文的目的是在技术接受模型的基础上,来探讨影响共享单车使用意愿的相关影响因素通过对感知易用性、使用态度、感知有用性、使用意愿等方面进行相关性分析,研究共享单车的用户使用意愿情况,在此基础上适当的外延,结合实际情况,探究影响单车使用意愿的因素。通过问卷星网上发布问卷的方式,为后续研究提供数据,共发放问卷250份,有效问卷243份,将数据通过SPSS 22.0进行相关性分析、回归分析以及描述性分析,得出各维度之间的关系。

In recent years, China's urbanization speed is very fast, the urban traffic congestion problem is also increasingly serious, the country vigorously promote the "green travel concept" to tackle environmental pollution. Along with the increasing seriousness of traffic congestion, leading to the choice of the public began to more buses such as transportation, however, due to the concept of green travel in recent years, automobile exhaust emissions become fatal flaw, the public both in line with the green travel, convenient and want to own life, and sharing the emergence of the bicycle, has become the key to solve these two problems. However, there will be competition in every industry. As more and more people enter the market, the competition will become more fierce. Therefore, there will be problems in the products, which will lead to lower user satisfaction and lower willingness to use.
The purpose of this article is based on the technology acceptance model, discusses using the related influence factors affect Shared bicycle use of perceived ease of use, attitude, perceived usefulness, will use the correlation analysis, bicycle users sharing willingness, on this basis, the appropriate extension, combined with the actual situation, to explore the influence factors of the use of bicycles. The questionnaire was distributed through the star website to provide data for subsequent studies. A total of 250 questionnaires were issued, of which 243 were valid. Correlation analysis, regression analysis and descriptive analysis were performed on the data by SPSS 22.0 to obtain the relationship among the dimensions.
It is found that privacy security, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and cycling assurance have a positive influence on user attitude, while aesthetics has no obvious influence on user attitude. Cycling is significantly safer and more private, followed by ease of use and usefulness. Finally, according to the research results, combined with the development of the industry, the paper proposes the corresponding countermeasures of simplified platform registration, timely vehicle scheduling, cycle process assurance and payment environment safety, in order to improve the public satisfaction, enhance the use intention and improve the development prospect of the whole bicycle industry. The project is conducive to strengthening and promoting the development and research of the bike-sharing industry, so as to promote the long-term development of the sharing concept.
Key words:Shared bikes; Technical acceptance model;
目录     1
一、绪论     2
(一)    研究背景     2
(二)    国内外研究现状     2
(三)    研究目的和意义     4
(四)    研究方法和内容     5
二、问卷设计及数据分析     6
(一)    研究维度及变量     6
(二)    数据分析     6
三、研究结论     12
(一)    影响共享单车使用意愿因素分析     12
(二)    相关意见     14
四、总结     14
(一)    研究局限     14
(二)    总结     14
参考文献     16
附件     17
致谢     21
