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摘    要

Study on the protection of criminal victims' rights and interests

The biggest highlight of the new criminal procedure law is to "respect and protection of human rights" which is written, embodies the respect for human rights and punishment of the crime of balance, but when we for the rights of the suspects and the accused security is becoming more and more perfect and rejoice, also cannot ignore the victim "s important position in criminal proceedings. A man can guarantee that a person can not become a defendant, but a person can not guarantee a lifetime does not become a victim. In a sense, the criminal victim is the weak of the society, the victim of the criminal victim's pain, will become their hearts will never wipe away the stigma, every touch will bring sharp pain. Such an injury is often the same as the multiple factors, such as physical, mental, and economic. However, in judicial practice, because of a large number of criminal cases, the defendant did not have the ability or the ability to compensate, or after a long period of time in the criminal case can not be found, or because of the evidence can not be identified, leading to a large number of victims of the rights and interests are not fully protected, resulting in a large number of cases involving law and social harmony and stability to bring many unstable factors. From the perspective of the protection of victims' rights and interests, this paper discusses the problems and causes of the protection of victims' rights and interests, and puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the protection of victims' rights and interests.
目  录
引  言    1
1 刑事被害人概念的界定及评析    2
1.1 刑事被害人的涵义    2
1.2 刑事被害人权利的具体内容    2
1.2.1 刑事被害人的知情权    3
1.2.2 刑事被害人的控诉权    4
1.2.3 刑事被害人的参与权    5
1.2.4 刑事被害人的求得被害恢复权    8
2 我国刑事被害人权利保障的现状及问題    10
2.1 我国刑事被害人诉讼地位的现状    10
2.1.1 赋予被害人以诉讼当事人地位    10
2.1.2 被害人的当事人地位并未完全落实    10
2.2 我国刑事被害人权利保障的现状    11
2.2.1 知情权的保障    11
2.2.2 控诉权的保障    11
2.2.3 参与权的保障    12
2.2.4 恢复权的保障    13
2.3 我国刑事被害人权利保障存在的问题    14
2.3.1 立法规定方面    14
2.3.2 司法实践方面    15
3 我国刑事被害人权利保障出现问题的原因    16
3.1 法律理念的落后    16
3.2 立法方面存在缺陷    16
3.2.1 被害人权益保护的法律规范未形成专门章节    16
3.2.2 被害人权益保护的法律规范设置不完备    16
3.3 执行制度不完善    17
3.4 被害人救助制度不健全    17
4 我国刑事被害人权利保障制度的完善    19
4.1 完善被害人权利保护应遵循的原则    19
4.2 完善被害人权利保护制度的建议    19
4.2.1 赋予被害人上诉权    19
4.2.2 参与庭审的权利    20
4.2.3 提出量刑建议的权利    20
4.2.4 被害人参与刑罚执行的权利    20
4.2.5 对被害人的人格加强保护    20
4.2.6 确立告知被害人诉讼地位、权利、义务的制度和程序    21
4.3 设立国家补偿制度    21
4.3.1 国家补偿制度概述    21
4.3.2 建立被害人国家补偿制度的可行性    22
4.3.3 确立被害人国家补偿制度应注意的问题    23
4.3.4 补偿的对象和范围    23
4.3.5 关于补偿金额的标准    24
4.3.6 关于补偿机构和补偿程序    24
4.4 建立被害援助制度    24
4.4.1 被害援助制度概述    24
4.4.2 被害援助的内容    26
参考文献    31
在学研究成果    33
致    谢    34
