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Research on the construction of innovative city from the perspective of low carbon economy—Taking Tangshan City as an example
摘  要


With the rapid economic development, urbanization continues to accelerate; there was a shortage of resources, traffic congestion, and climate change, environmental pollution, housing shortage and other series of questions, so that urban development has been constrained. Therefore, the development of low-carbon economy and building an innovative city more and more attention. Our emphasis on the need to adhere to the basic state policy of resources conservation and environmental protection, and actively promote low-carbon economy. Promote both innovation and low-carbon urban development, low-carbon development in the innovation process. Tangshan City in the urban development process, it is necessary to achieve the "resource conservation", "environmentally friendly", but also to achieve "innovative" urban construction, urban development in low-carbon innovation, the increase in the level of innovation-oriented city, eventually sustainable development.
This paper summarizes the low-carbon economy, under domestic and international research and innovative urban reality and theory based on the premise, we analyze the current situation of Tangshan City, an innovative urban construction, and management science with widely used SWOT analysis of Tangshan City, building an innovative city the process of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats made clear analysis, and on this basis, build a Tangshan innovative city construction evaluation index system and evaluation model, combined with the relevant principles of constructing indicators and data accessibility, construction of the four-level indicators, innovative city evaluation system 20 secondary indicators, using AHP Tangshan city, 2004--2013 innovation city Construction was evaluated and analyzed the situation and concluded that pointed to a whole building look, Tangshan city, innovative city construction has entered a rapid development period, but is still in the early stages of innovative urban development, especially to strengthen the environment for innovation.
Finally, the perspective of a low-carbon economy, policies and regulations from the security, financial support, personnel training and the introduction of invasive, strengthen research cooperation, resource conservation and green energy construction and creative spirit made six Tangshan innovative city construction suggestions and measures to provide the scientific basis for government decision-making.
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Keywords: Low-carbon economy,Innovative City,Construction Chinese books catalog:
目  次
引 言    1
第1章 绪论    2
1.1研究背景    2
1.2研究意义    3
1.3研究方法与技术路线    3
第2章 低碳经济和创新型城市文献综述    6
2.1 低碳经济国内外研究现状    6
2.1.1 低碳经济国外研究现状    6
2.1.2 低碳经济国内研究现状    7
2.2 创新型城市国内外研究现状    8
2.2.1 创新型城市国外研究现状    8
2.2.2 创新型城市国内研究现状    11
2.3 简要评述    13
第3章 低碳经济和创新型城市理论    15
3.1 低碳经济相关理论    15
3.1.1 低碳经济的概述    15
3.1.2 低碳经济的发展理论    15
3.2 创新型城市相关理论    16
3.2.1 创新型城市的内涵概述    16
3.2.2 创新型城市的构成要素    17
3.2.3 创新型城市的基本模式    19
3.2.4 创新型城市发展阶段评判标准    20
第4章 唐山市创新型城市城市建设现状分析    22
4.1 唐山市创新型城市建设现状    22
4.1.1 创新环境不断完善    22
4.1.2 创新合作机制基本形成    23
4.1.3 创新平台建设不断加强    24
4.1.4创新产业聚集效应突出    25
4.1.5创新效果显著    25
4.2创新型城市建设SWOT分析    26
4.2.1优势条件(Strengths)    26
4.2.2劣势条件(Weaknesses)    28
4.2.3机遇(Opportunities)    29
4.2.4威胁(Weaknesses)    29
第5章 唐山市创新型城市指标体系构建与评价    31
5.1 唐山市创新型城市指标体系构建    31
5.1.1指标体系构建原则    31
5.1.2指标体系的框架    31
5.1.3指标释义    32
5.2 唐山市创新型城市指标体系评价    34
5.2.1指标权重的确定    34
5.2.2数据来源及标准化处理    错误!未定义书签。
5.2.3计算过程及结果    38
5.2.4评价结果分析    40
第6章 唐山市创新型城市低碳建设对策分析    47
6.1 加大政策法规保障    47
6.2 加大资金支持力度,拓宽融资渠道    48
6.2.1加大对R&D经费投入    48
6.2.2拓宽融资渠道    48
6.3 深化产学研合作,提升创新能力    49
6.3.1充分发挥唐山市政府的引导和推动作用    49
6.3.2增强企业自主创新主体地位    50
6.3.3多渠道巩固高校及科研院所的关键地位    51
6.4 推进生态创新    51
6.5 聚集创新型人才    52
6.5.1强化高校对创新型人才的培养    52
6.5.2加强企业人才开发和引进    52
6.5.3政府优化人才发展环境    53
6.6 注重创新意识和创新精神的培养    53
结  论    54
参考文献    55
附  录    60
致  谢    61
