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The Implementation and Design of Mobile Signaling Data Analysis System Based on Hadoop


With the development of communication network technology, the business supported by  the mobile Internet  more and more exciting, and the types of it  have also begun to Internet applications. However, the process of different access systems communicate with each other and realize resource sharing, the access network traffic increases,  the flow of Gn interface (the interfaces between GRPS support nodes , i.e. in the same land public mobile network the interfaces SGSN and SGSN nodes and between SGSN and GGSN nodes)is the most obvious. How to process and use these valuable information, has become the top priority.
The explosion of Gn port data caused this kind of  embarrassing situation for mobile operators, there is large amount of data but because of the lack of effectivetreatment and storage makes a lot of information stored, but can not be found out, can not be used, and even some information cannot be stored due to the memory constraints .
Based on this premise, on analysis existing technical of  magnanimity data processing and storage , this paper put forward the solution for dealing with massive explosion data of mobile Internet  based on Hadoop. Via the integration of data this system  can do  source data cleaning, transformation and loading, , the Gn analysis to form the basis of uniform data system. To monitor and improve the data integration and data quality in the process of. Analysis of Gn data application system deployment directly through the system of complete a business application support function; layer can give the data source system for data sharing around through data sharing, also we can through the Gn analysis system for data sharing and data source system to complete the across multiple domain application support.
The characteristics of this system is the use of advanced distributed framework to solve practical problems, after several months of researching needs, developmenting, testing, the system achieved an ideal the expected effect the fact that the use of Hadoop distributed framework advantages, such as: high efficiency, scalability, low cost etc..

Key words: mobile net Data ,Hadoop ,magnanimity data,distributed framework

目  录
第一章 绪论    1
1.1.课题背景与意义    1
1.2.国内外研究现状分析    2
1.2.1.国内研究现状    2
1.2.2.国外研究现状    3
1.2.3对比总结    3
1.3.研究目标及内容    3
1.3.1.研究目标    3
1.3.2.研究内容    3
1.4.论文组织结构    5
1.5.本章小结    5
第二章 系统相关技术介绍    6
2.1.Hadoop介绍    6
2.2. MapReduce介绍    7
2.3.HDFS介绍    10
2.4本章小结    11
第三章 系统需求分析    12
3.1.系统总体需求分析    12
3.2.可行性分析    12
3.3.系统业务目标    12
3.4.系统功能分析    13
3.4.1数据抽取    14
3.4.2数据预处理    14
3.4.3数据处理    15
3.4.4任务调度    15
3.4.5任务监控    15
3.5.系统非功能性分析    15
3.5.1技术开放性要求    15
3.5.2可扩展性    15
3.5.3安全性    16
3.5.4易用性    16
3.6 本章小结    16
第四章 系统总体设计    17
4.1.系统设计原则    17
4.2.系统总体方案    17
4.3.数据处理总体流程    20
4.4.数据库设计    20
4.4.1 E-R图    20
4.4.2 数据结构的设计    22
4.5.本章小结    25
第五章 系统详细设计与实现    26
5.1.客户画像标准化    26
5.1.1.客户画像标准化预处理    28
5.1.2.客户画像标准化    34
5.2URL画像生成    36
5.2.1URL汇总    37
5.2.2基于流量的排名    38
5.2.3 基于访问次数的排名    40
5.3小区汇总    41
5.3.1小区分钟粒度汇总    41
5.3.2小区按日汇总    43
5.4数据入库、存储模块设计    44
5.5本章小结    48
第六章 系统测试    49
6.1.系统测试目的    49
6.2.测试环境    49
6.3. 测试整体方案    49
6.3.1测试方法    49
6.3.2需要测试的质量特性    50
6.4.测试用例    51
6.4.1数据装载部署测试    51
6.4.2数据查询测试    52
6.4.3数据处理测试    53
6.5测试结果及分析    54
6.5.本章小结    56
结论与展望    57
7.1 结论    57
7.2 展望    57
参考文献    58
致谢    60
