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In recent years, China began to popular trust, investment trust business has gradually become an important channel for business and personal investment. After 2009, the scale of trust assets managed by the trust company began to develop rapidly, trust income, trust profit steady growth. Trust industry is a higher degree of risk of the industry, trust risk prevention and management is the development of trust companies in the process of development and growth of the top priority. As an important business of trust company, real estate trust provides a lot of money for the development of the real estate industry in China, and it also brings a great contribution to the economic development of our country. At present, more and more financial innovation business and financial industry mixed operation trend, the trust company risk management put forward higher requirements. Therefore, in the development of trust companies in our country, the establishment of a most scientific and effective risk control system is the most basic problem. With the development of China's economic strength, as well as the expansion of China's trust industry, the trust industry in China has more than the size of the insurance industry, and has become an important part of the financial industry. Trust company real estate trust business risk management as an important part of financial management risk, the stability of China's financial market and the healthy development of the real estate market has a direct impact. So the research and analysis of trust company real estate trust business risk management and preventive measures have important theoretical and practical significance.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the risk management measures and preventive measures of real estate trust business of trust companies, and to provide theoretical suggestions for the risk management of trust companies. This paper consists of six parts, the first part introduces the research background, research methods, research status at home and abroad; the second part introduces the related theories of real estate trust; the third part introduces the types of risks facing the trust business in China the status quo and development of the real estate trust; the fourth part introduces the real estate trust business trust management means, risk disposal methods and the existing problems; the fifth part puts forward to solve the problem of the real estate trust risk management measures; the sixth part summarizes the thesis. Hope the research of this paper can provide useful reference and reference for the improvement of the risk management level of trust company in China.

Key Words:  trust company;real estate trust business;risk management;trust fund

致谢    II
摘要    III
Abstract    V
1 引言    1
1.1 研究背景和意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1 国外研究现状    3
1.2.2 国内研究现状    4
1.3 研究目的、研究方法、研究内容及技术路线图    6
1.3.1 研究目的    6
1.3.2研究内容    6
1.3.3研究方法    7
1.3.4 技术路线图    8
2.1  信托基本理论介绍    9
2.1.1信托的定义    9
2.1.2信托的特点    9
2.2房地产信托基本理论介绍    10
2.2.1房地产信托的定义    10
2.2.2房地产信托的性质和特点    10
2.2.3房地产信托的种类    10
2.3 风险管理基本理论介绍    11
2.3.1风险管理的定义    11
2.3.2风险管理的策略    12
3 房地产信托的发展    13
3.1美国房地产信托的发展    13
3.2我国房地产信托发展现状    14
3.3 我国房地产信托发展存在的问题    15
3.4 我国房地产信托的风险种类    16
3.4.1系统性风险    16
3.4.2非系统性风险    16
3.5 我国信托公司房地产信托业务风险管理及防范的措施    18
3.6 房地产信托风险处理方式    19
3.6.1提前结束    19
3.6.2强制销售    19
3.6.3延期兑付    19
3.6.4借新还旧    20
3.6.5担保方偿付    20
3.6.6第三方接盘    20
3.6.7自有资金接盘    20
4对比分析    21
4.1 越秀房地产信托投资基金简介    21
4.2 越秀房地产信托投资基金与国内信托公司的对比分析    21
4.2.1资金安全监管方面    22
4.2.2内部治理管理方面    23
4.2.3信息公开管理方面    23
4.2.4流动性管理方面    24
4.2.5投资策略方面    24
5 中信舒斯贝尔案例分析    26
5. 1案例简介    26
5.1.1项目基本情况    26
5.1.2危机原因    26
5.2中信信托风险管理手段分析    27
5.3中信信托风险管理存在的问题    28
5.3.1前期调查不足    28
5.3.2严重高估抵押物价值    28
6.信托公司房地产信托业务风险管理及防范存在的问题及其解决措施    30
6.1信托公司房地产信托业务风险管理及防范存在的问题    30
6.1.1法律政策不完善    30
6.1.2刚性兑付影响信托公司的长远发展    30
6.1.3内部治理缺位    31
6.2 信托公司加强房地产信托风险管理及防范的措施    32
6.2.1 完善立法加强监督    32
6.2.2 打破“刚性兑付”    32
6.3.3 完善治理结构    33
7结论与展望    35
7.1结论    35
7.2展望    35
参考文献    37
