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In the new rural construction is in full swing throughout the country, the rural public fire safety management into the new rural infrastructure construction to fill the current rural public safety and safety management gaps, improve the status of rural public fire, the prevention of rural fires and other accident probability , The protection of the majority of farmers living and property security of the inevitable requirements and choices. However, due to the local government, the majority of peasant masses generally lack the importance of awareness of rural public fire safety management, coupled with the current public fire construction investment in China will focus on the city, while fire management services fire officers and soldiers in the fire station staff Matching a serious shortage, leading to rural public fire safety management in the long-term management of the vacuum, which also to some extent affected and hindered the advancement of new rural construction.
In this paper, Ningxiang County, Changsha City, as a specific object of study, combined with the author's field research and related literature collection review, summed up the current Ningxiang rural public fire safety management of the status quo and some significant problems, such as rural fire congenital deficiency , The basic power of rural fire is weak, some life vulgar caused by fire safety hazards, fire supervision and management mechanism is not perfect, fire propaganda and education is not enough; at the same time for these problems, from the funding security, system construction, government organizations, ideology These four aspects of the analysis of the causes of the existence of these problems, and then give a specific improvement measures. In order to provide a reference for the improvement of public fire safety management system in rural areas of Ningxiang County, it also provides a reference for the improvement of public fire safety management system in other rural areas.
Key words: rural public fire protection; safety management; Ningxiang County; existing problems; improvement measures

宁乡市农村公共消防安全管理的问题及对策研究    I
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究目的及意义    1
1.2.1研究目的    1
1.2.2研究意义    2
1.3国内外研究综述    2
1.3.1国外农村消防安全管理问题研究现状    2
1.3.2国内农村消防安全管理问题研究现状    4
1.3.3研究评述    4
1.4研究思路及方法    5
1.4.1研究思路    5
1.4.2研究方法    5
1.5创新点    6
第2章 农村公共消防安全管理的相关理论概述    7
2.1公共消防安全的概念内涵    7
2.2农村消防安全管理的必要性    7
2.3农村消防安全管理的影响因素    8
2.3.1资金投入能力    8
2.3.2专门力量建设    9
2.3.3组织机构保障    9
2.3.4管理机制效能    11
第3章 宁乡市农村公共消防安全管理现状分析    12
3.1宁乡市农村公共消防安全管理取得的成绩    12
3.1.1农村多种形式消防队伍发展迅速    12
3.1.2农村消防安全条件得到初步改善    12
3.1.3农村消防宣传力度明显加大    12
3.2宁乡市农村公共消防安全存在的主要问题    13
3.2.1农村防火先天性不足    13
3.2.2农村消防基础力量薄弱    13
3.2.3一些生活陋俗造成消防安全隐患    15
3.2.4消防监督管理机制不健全    15
3.2.5消防宣传教育力度不够    16
3.3农村公共消防安全管理中问题的原因    16
3.3.1思想意识方面    16
3.3.2政府组织方面    18
3.3.3制度建设实施方面    19
3.3.4经费投入保障方面    20
第4章 先进地区农村公共消防安全管理的经验借鉴    21
4.1先进地区农村公共消防安全管理的经验    21
4.1.1新疆阿克苏地区农村消防组织管理模式的先进经验    21
4.1.2黔东南地区农村消防组织管理模式的先进经验    22
4.2先进地区农村公共消防安全管理经验的借鉴启示    23
4.2.1加强农村消防队伍的专业化培训和消防技能的提升    23
4.2.2统筹防灾培训工作    24
4.2.3预防为主、防消结合    24
第5章 改善宁乡市农村公共消防安全管理的对策建议    25
5.1健全区域责任制度    25
5.2加强农村公共消防规划    26
5.3加强消防安全教育宣传    27
5.4明确乡镇政府消防管理职责任务    28
5.5提高组织领导的消防安全管理的重要认知并实行领导责任制    29
5.6构建乡镇派出所、林业部门及驻村警务室多部门联动协管机制    30
5.7加强农村消防组织机构建设    31
第6章 结论及展望    32
参考文献    33
致谢    35
