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Basketball is one of the world's recognized three big ball games, have a lot of basketball fans, in our country basketball is one of the favored by the majority of the people like sports, held every year in major cities of a certain size basketball competitions, such as China national professional basketball league (CBA), Nike three on three basketball league, KFC teenagers three basketball league, the national university basketball league matches (CUBA) and so on. Basketball in domestic colleges and universities is one of the favored by the majority of students enjoy sports, basketball on college students not only the value of physical exercise, more abundant life, the value of the cultivation of body and mind. There are three main forms of basketball, namely the three-court basketball game, the half-court basketball game and the five-man basketball game. The three-person basketball game is played in half of the regular basketball court, and the three teams play basketball games. The venue of the four-man basketball game is the same as the three-man competition, with the different teams playing in groups of four. The venue for the five-man basketball game is a regular basketball court, which is a basketball game for five people. Three basketball because of the unique, characteristics such as simplicity, freedom was deeply loved by the masses of young students, three basketball movement developing rapidly in recent years, cities have held a variety of three basketball games, at the same time domestic colleges and universities begin to develop three basketball tournament, promoted the domestic system of three people basketball all-round development at the same time, also to promote the development of college campus sports culture.
The author through the literature material law, expert interview, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and logical analysis for this study, the research shows that: kunming basketball development speed faster, more participation, big market; The college basketball in kunming is popular among students, and most students have some understanding and understanding of basketball. The three-man basketball movement started relatively late in kunming university, but its development speed is relatively fast and there is a wide market. The college students in kunming city have a relatively favorable attitude towards the three-man basketball game, and basically accept and support the movement, and have a good focus and cognition on it. Most students prefer three basketball, can get a better exercise also promotes the development of their physical and mental health, but a small number of students don't like three basketball games, the main reason is because of their gender difference, generally, boys prefer girls many don't like; Fear of injury in a match; Lack of facilities in the school; The students themselves are not good enough to be afraid of others. Kunming college students form of system of three basketball games are mostly spontaneous organizations, primarily through exercise, entertainment as the main purpose, in colleges and universities, the match between class is relatively more, while relatively few college and university league held; Influence factors of university system of three people basketball movement development in kunming, mainly includes: the publicity department of education, the school authorities to insufficient, the school attaches great importance to the project, no more foreign aid funds, the limits of the site, and infrastructure is imperfect, the student to the knowledge of cognitive is not enough, the organization of small scale, less competition, lack of qualified teachers.
In this paper, the current situation of the research and analysis, and the development of kunming, three system of colleges and universities basketball puts forward corresponding countermeasures: kunming on part should offer certain support and positive development of basketball; The university of kunming should carry out various sports, so as to promote the development of basketball and cultivate students' interest and interest in basketball. The sports departments should pay enough attention to the three-man basketball game and do management work. University leaders must have a positive attitude and gradually improve various facilities and equipment, so as to make the three-person basketball game better and faster. Kunming municipal colleges and universities should make full use of their own conditions, such as school publicity column, the campus broadcast media, vigorously promote the system of three people basketball knowledge and competition, so that the students better understand the project, so as to expand its influence; The education department of kunming city should actively carry out the three-person basketball competition of university students of all sizes and hold regular games to integrate the three basketball players into the university. Kunming colleges and universities should introduce various enterprise sponsor, thereby making more money outside, enhancing university-enterprise cooperation, and form a long-term partner with various enterprises, three people for the school system of basketball movement.
Key words:Kunming university,the three make basketball,in the late development

摘要    3
Abstract    5
1绪论    1
1.1选题依据    1
1.2.选题的意义    2
1.3三人制篮球的相关释义及开展意义    2
1.3.1篮球运动    2
1.3.2三人制篮球运动    2
1.3.3三人制与五人制篮球运动的区别    3
1.3.4三人制篮球运动的特性    4
1.4文献综述    5
1.4.1关于三人制篮球运动在我国普通高校开展的研究    5
1.4.2 三人制篮球运动在高校开展的价值    7
2.研究对象与研究方法    10
2.1研究对象    10
2.2.1文献资料法    11
2.2.2专家访谈法    11
2.2.3问卷调查法    12
2.2.4数据分析法    12
2.2.5逻辑分析法    12
2.2.6问卷的效度和信度    12
3.研究结果与分析    13
3.1昆明市普通高校三人制篮球运动的宣传情况及效果概况    13
3.2.1 在昆高校举行篮球比赛的次数    14
3.2.2大学生参与三人制篮球运动的动机    15
3.2.3大学生对三人制篮球运动的喜厌程度    16
3.2.4 大学生参与三人制篮球运动的时间    17
3.2.5昆明市普通高校大学生参与篮球运动比赛形式    18
3.2昆明市普通高校大学生参与三人制篮球运动后的体验反馈    20
3.3.1运动后的身体感觉情况    20
3.3昆明市普通高校三人制篮球运动开展的影响因素    21
3.4昆明市普通高校三人制篮球运动的发展对策研究    22
3.5.1量体裁衣,提高学生的整体身体素质    22
3.5.2专业引导,改变学生参与态度    22
3.5.3加大宣传,增进学生的项目了解    23
3.5.4政策支持,引起相关部门重视    23
3.5.5开展竞赛,提高学生参与热情    24
3.5.6资源整合,完善场地设施    25
3.5.7赛事运作,校企联合吸引资金    25
4.结论与建议    26
4.1结论    26
4.2建议    27
参考文献    28
附录    33
