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摘  要
The rapid progress of wireless communication has affected the development of satellite communications. The inherent advantages of satellite communication have also promoted the vigorous development in many countries. Its advantages are widely used in major fields such as emergency communications, national security and manned space flight. The development of satellite communication system generally design the system link first to ensure that the established system has better performance. Based on the design of communication links, the system model is established by using computer-aided technique and its simulation analysis is carried out, which provides an effective data basis for the correct design and modeling of the system through simulation analysis.
Satellite communication link propagation distance, the link open and transparent and other characteristics of the signal is the link design considerations fundamental issues. In this paper, the loss of link transmission is analyzed to calculate the atmospheric absorption loss and rainfall attenuation of radio waves. The calculated total link attenuation is applied to the link design budget, and the key to the design of the satellite communication link is analyzed and calculated index. At the same time, the system modeling software SystemVue is used to design and model the ground station transmission, satellite transponder and ground station reception in accordance with the link technical indicators, and further analyze and verify the BER and BER of the entire system and link Performance. In order to analyze the anti-jamming performance of the system, this paper sets up the uplink / downlink interference model and designs the interference simulation software platform. Finally, this paper summarizes the content of the project, explores the shortcomings of the system design and simulation work, and prospects the satellite communication system Link simulation design of the forward direction. Through the design of the system link in this paper, we can provide an effective reference to the link designers of satellite communication systems.
Keywords: Satellite Communication System; Link Design; System Modeling; Interference Simulation; Software Operation Platform
目  录
摘  要    I
目  录    III
第一章 绪  论    1
1.1选题依据和课题研究目的和意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.3本文的内容安排    4
第二章 卫星通信链路的技术分析    1
2.1 卫星通信系统链路概述    1
2.2 无线电波传播特性    2
2.2.1 大气吸收损耗    3
2.2.2降雨衰减    4
2.2.3 自由空间传输损耗    5
2.3 通信链路的预算分析    6
2.3.1 天线系统    6
2.3.2 系统内部噪声分析    7
2.3.3 载噪比的计算    8
2.3.4 误码率计算    10
2.4 本章小结    11
第三章 卫星通信系统链路的仿真设计    12
3.1 仿真方法及软件概述    12
3.2仿真应用模块分析与介绍    13
3.3基于SYSTEMVUE卫星通信系统链路仿真    16
3.3.1卫星通信链路设计    16
3.3.2 地面站及空间链路建模仿真    19
3.3.3 卫星通信转发器建模仿真    22
3.4 误码率仿真分析    25
3.5 本章小结    27
第四章 卫星通信链路干扰仿真分析    28
4.1 上行链路干扰    28
4.1.1 欺骗式攻击仿真建模    28
4.1.2 压制式干扰仿真分析    30
4.2 下行链路干扰    32
4.2.1 欺骗式攻击仿真建模    32
4.2.2 压制式干扰仿真分析    33
4.3 软件平台设计    36
4.3.1 Matlab与SystemVue接口介绍    36
4.3.2 软件平台设计与实现    36
4.4本章小结    37
第五章 总结与展望    38
5.1 全文总结    38
5.2 工作展望    38
参考文献    40
致  谢    43
