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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D5200 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D5200
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摘  要:


Effect of the Salting Methods on the Pickled Cowpea's Quality
Abstract: In order to research the changing regulation of the main constituents during the sour cowpea’s salted process, this paper adopts three salting methods to pickle the cowpeas, including the dry salting method, the brine salting and the sour brine  salting, and then it measures the six indicators of sour cowpea—moisture, vitamin C, nitrite, titratable acid, volatile acid and volatile ester . The experiment shows that when using the dry salting, the product’s content of volatile acid, volatile ester and titratable acid is the lowest on the 15 d, while the content of the three indicators reaches its highest, and the content of its moisture is the lowest on the 30d. When using the brine wet salting method, the product’s content of volatile acid, volatile ester, titratable acid and moisture is the second highest on both the 15d and the 30d. When using the sour brine wet salting method, the product’s content of volatile acid, volatile ester, titratable acid and moisture reaches its highest on the 15d, while the product’s content of the former three reduces to its lowest, and the content of its moisture still remains the highest on the 30d. The experiment also shows that there are no obvious differences about the content of vitamin C and nitrite of the three products. In conclusion, the speed of dry salting is the slowest  ,  but the concentration of the taste matter of the product is highest. In the production , we may adopt the dry salting to pickling the cowpea to raise its taste quality.

Key words:  pickled cowpeas;  salting ;  quality;  effect

