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关键词:matlab 安全评价 模糊数学 模糊安全评价

Fuzzy Security Evaluation Based on MATLAB
Matlab has been used in this paper.At the same time, matlab software is used to process common data formats existing in quantitative safety evaluation, and attempts to establish a fuzzy general mathematical model with strong versatility is applied in the actual evaluation process. Finally, the logic matrix operation of fuzzy security evaluation is realized through program design, and the fuzzy inference system that can be used is built up by software ability. It is easy to operate while achieving the target of the given task, which is convenient for the evaluation personnel to draw the evaluation conclusion.
Keywords: Matlab;Safety Evaluation;Fuzzy Mathematics;Fuzzy Security Evaluation

摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1前言    1
1.2 安全评价领域使用模糊数学概况    1
1.3 Matlab基本概况    2
1.4 Matlab在安全评价中应用前瞻    3
第二章 模糊安全评价简介    5
2.1 一般的模糊安全评价步骤    5
2.2 模糊安全评价的因素集    5
2.3 模糊安全评价的评价集    5
2.4 模糊安全评价的权重集    5
2.5 模糊安全评价矩阵的计算方法    6
第三章 模糊安全评价在Matlab中实现过程    8
3.1 在matlab中实现计算过程    8
3.2 构建matlab软件中的模糊评价模型    11
3.2.1 模糊评价的来源    11
3.2.2 模糊评价确定权重集方法    12
3.2.3 matlab中模糊数学的使用方法    12
3.2.4 模糊推理系统的搭建    15
第四章 实例分析    18
4.1 编译文件模拟运算    18
4.2 针对实例构建模糊推理系统    20
4.2.1 对实例进行层次分析法    20
4.2.2 应用matlab的fuzzy工具箱    20
第五章 总结    26
参考文献    27
致谢    29
