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摘 要
关键词:高层民用建筑 防排烟 机械加压送风排烟系统 自然排烟
With the rapid development of the hotel industry and the increasing saturation of the hotel industry, how to create a high-quality hotel is now not only on the surface of beauty, but also on the pursuit of excellence in safety performance, in order to ensure the safe operation of the hotel, It is necessary to do a good job of fire safety design, and the smoke control and exhaust design of the hotel will have a vital impact on the fire safety design of the whole hotel.
This design is based on the drawings provided by the task book to design the smoke control and exhaust system of a six-story hotel building, which mainly includes the division of fire prevention zone and smoke prevention zone of the hotel. And the selection of the best smoke control and exhaust mode of the first floor and the sixth floor above ground, and provide a reasonable scheme and calculation data, on this basis, set up the pipe network, select the fan, in order to ensure the effectiveness and feasibility of the final design of smoke control and exhaust system.
Keywords:High-rise building;smoke control ;Mechanical pressurized air supply and smoke exhaust system; natural smoke extraction

第一章 绪论 3
1.1 研究背景 3
1.2 高层建筑的火灾危险性 4
第二章 工程概况 6
2.1 工程概况 6
2.2 酒店消防隐患 7
2.3 设计范围 7
第三章 设计依据及规范 8
3.1 依据 8
3.2 规范 8
3.3 防排烟设计程序 8
第四章 建筑防排烟设施的设置 10
4.1 排烟设施设置范围 10
4.2防火分区 10
4.2.1 防火分区的概念 10
4.2.2 防火分区的划分 11
4.3 防烟分区 15
4.3.1 防烟分区的概念 15
4.3.2 防烟分区的划分原则 16
4.3.3 防烟分区的划分方法 17
第五章 排烟系统设计 23
5.1排烟方式的选择 23
5.2 自然排烟系统设计 23
5.2.1 自然排烟方式 23
5.2.2 自然排烟系统的设计要求 23
5.3 机械排烟系统设计 24
5.3.1 机械排烟方式的选择 24
5.3.2 排烟设施布置范围 25
5.4 排烟量的确定 25
5.4.1 排烟口的设计 30
第六章 防烟系统设计 36
6.1 防烟方式 36
6.2 机械加压送风防烟 37
6.2.1 防烟设施的设置部位 37
6.2.2 机械加压送风系统的设计要求 37
6.2.3 械加压送风量的计算 37
6.3 加压送风阻力计算 46
6.3.1 沿程阻力计算 46
6.3.2 局部阻力计算 47
6.4 系统阻力计算 47
6.5 送风机的选择 51
6.5.1 风机性能指标的确定 52
6.5.2 送风机型号的确定 52
表6-6送风机型号 52
第七章 设计总结 53
参考文献 54
致 谢 56