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简介:本文针对钢结构稳定设计提出了在设计过程中设计人员应须明确了解的一些基本概念,如强度与稳定的区别,失稳的分类,钢结构稳定设计原则,钢结构设计特点以便于帮助设计人员在设计中更好地完成稳定设计;随着新型结构不断地出现,在稳定设计中另一个导致构件和结构失稳的因素就是设计人员对这些结构性能认识甚少,因此本文提出了现有新型结构稳定性存在的一些问题,以便设计人员参考。 关键字:钢结构 稳定性 In this paper the design of steel stability in the design process design should be a clear understanding of some basic concepts, If strength and stability of the difference between the classification of instability, stability steel design principles, Steel design features in order to help designers better to be a stable design; With the new structure to emerge from time to time. Stability in the design of components and lead to another structural instability factor is the designer of these properties have very little knowledge about the structure, Therefore this paper, the stability of the existing new structure of some problems to design reference. Keywords : stability of a steel structure