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Are You Ready For BIM(中文+英文共17000字)

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Are You Ready For BIM?(中文+英文共17000字)
公民公园和其他重大项目的设计和建设正迫使产业项目交付以新的方式方法。较短的时间表,预算刻在石头、复杂的设计把小房间错误或延误。随着越来越多的项目 合同和更多转会到fixed-cost业主挑战成本超支和延迟,通常瘟疫更大的项目,更好的方法正在开发的项目。与BIM日益成为首选的工具,业主、建筑 师、工程师、建设者,分包商不仅作为一种管理和精简许多步骤在设计和施工工艺,但也帮助业主操作和保养结构,只要经过设计师已经完成他们的工作。
公民公园和其他重大项目的设计和建设正迫使产业项目交付以新的方式方法。较短的使用过程的结果在数字BIM表示的建筑或工程,将三维立体模型的结构的)组 成。该模型对几乎所有方面参数化的联系在一起的一个项目,包括结构的设计与分析;调度、资料、劳动、运行成本数据。在整个项目中,BIM的复杂的版本有可 能打破之前几乎建造在现场地面数字格式。该模型用于协调设计并转移施工图设计过程和施工阶段。最后它转移到主人。适用于操作和维修的建筑。

Nationals Park and other high-profile projects are forcing the design and construction industry to approach project delivery in new ways. Shorter schedules, budgets set in stone, and complex designs leave little room for error or delay. As more projects move to fixed-cost contracts and more owners challenge the cost overruns and delays that often plague larger projects, better methods of delivering projects are being developed. And BIM is increasingly becoming the tool of choice for owners, architects, engineers, constructors, and subcontractors as a way not only of managing and streamlining the many steps in the design and construction process but also of helping owners operate and maintain the structure long after the designers have completed their work.

